Established in 1995, the Oilers travel club was designed to encourage the growth and development of a high quality amateur youth ice hockey experience for young people ages 6-18.
We encourage our young players to excel throughout the ice hockey program, both collectively and individually and most importantly, to provide a fun, instructional and competitive hockey experience.
Our Travel Teams play either SCAHA (Southern California Amateur A & B level) or CAHA (California Amateur AA) and participate in tournaments across Northern America, traveling as far as Boston and Quebec. Travel teams are offered from Squirts to Midgets. Try-outs for AA, A, & B travel hockey are held in June. The season runs September to March. Our coaches are USA Hockey certified (levels 3-5) and many have professional experience.
Our Tournament Teams offer competitive hockey for house league players without the expense and commitment of a pure travel team. Tournament teams are offered from Mites to Peewee and are played in San Diego, Orange County, LA County, San Jose, Arizona, and Las Vegas.
House league and tournament players are welcome and able to join all year long.Email Craig Sterling for more information on private lessons or choosing the appropriate level for your player