We are now accepting applications for Rady Children's Ice Rink

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You will notice some changes to our facility to help us keep everyone healthy and enjoying their time on the ice uninterrupted for the foreseeable future.
We understand these changes may be difficult and we are here to support you. 
Our goal is to collaboratively ensure you feel safe and secure so together we can navigate the complexities of our “new normal.”Working together with local health organizations, here are just some of the changes we are implementing:
More frequent cleaning and sanitizing.
Access to hand sanitizer throughout the facility.

Here are some things we expect you to implement to help keep our facility safe:

* Guests should not enter the facility if they are experiencing any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, have been exposed to anyone suspected of having or diagnosed with COVID-19, or are not comfortable being in a public place or otherwise at the facility.
* Wash your hands often, and for the recommended 20 seconds.
* Stay at least 6 feet apart when moving through the facility where possible.
* All guests and participants must adhere to facility policies at all times. 
* All guests who are not fully vaccinated are asked to wear face coverings throughout the facility with the exception of on rink participation.
*Thank you all for your patience and support during this unprecedented time in our business and in the world. 
* We have heard from many of you letting us know how much you miss the rink, and the feeling is mutual. 
* We love our ice community and it is imperative that we look out for one another. 
* We must follow our new policies and procedures as well as the County’s guidelines for our continued safety.
* This will be ever evolving, and we thank you in advance for your patience, concern, and your support.

San Diego Ice A​rena


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Come back often as we are updating  it regularly.
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