Figure Skating Program

Welcome to the SDIA Figure Skating Program. 
Figure skating is a unique experience, balancing on the edge of sport and art.

It develops grace and flexibility, while creating a beautiful, strong & healthy mind-body.
The foundation of figure skating is a combination of regular training and participation in competitions, which results in the achievement of superior athletic performances. 

We offer various skating lessons and figure skating programs year round! 

Come learn a new skill in a fun environment with world class, certified coaches. 
Whether you wish to be an Olympic star or simply enjoy the recreational benefits of ice skating, SDIA has the right skating program for you! 

Group lessons are a great and affordable way to learn to ice skate!
 Private lessons are a wonderful way to develop skills on a custom tailored fast track to success. 

Figure Skat​​ing 

Figure Skating Program

Welcome to the SDIA Figure Skating Program. 
Figure skating is a unique experience, balancing on the edge of sport and art.
It develops grace and flexibility, while creating a beautiful, strong & healthy mind-body.
The foundation of figure skating is a combination of regular training and participation in competitions, which results in the achievement of superior athletic performances. 
We offer various skating lessons and figure skating programs year round! Come learn a new skill in a fun environment with world class, certified coaches. 
Whether you wish to be an Olympic star or simply enjoy the recreational benefits of ice skating, SDIA has the right skating program for you! 
Group lessons are a great and affordable way to learn to ice skate!
 Private lessons are a wonderful way to develop skills on a custom tailored fast track to success. 

Go to Freestyle Sessions

Feel free to contact our Skating Director, 
Justin Ross, to help you with your skating needs. 

Justin  Ross

Skating Director